As we launched this new community, the legal status is confusing. We would appreciate assistance with anyone having experience with similar open tech communities. When we transition to a non-profit in the future, hopefully this will be less confusing.
Bolder Technology, Inc. (BTI), a Colorado S-corp, holds the rights to the IA domain and operates the IA website. The website structure and contents are protected under its copyright. This prevents anyone from copying the entire website and establishing a competing site, say at the domain.
In the spirit of an open community, BTI grants a Creative Commons (with Attribution) license on any IA website content and MIT/BSD/Apache license on any code in its GitHub (to be established). In the words of CC, any person/company is free to… share by copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format, adapt by remix, transform, and build upon the material, and exploit for any purpose, even commercially. However, the person must give appropriate attribution or credit by providing a link to the CC license and indicate if changes were made. This attribution should not imply that BTI endorses the person/company or its use. Finally, no warranties are given. In particular, the IA code may require libraries covered by other licenses, such as an Unity3D add-on whose license costs $49.
Check this CC page for proper attribution practices. For the IA website, it would be like…
<title of blog/page> by used under CC BY 4.0 changed by <how it was changed>