by Richard Hackathorn | Nov 20, 2015 | Status
Three new blogs during Weeks 4 and 5: Wanted: Visually Impaired Data Scientist – Job ad spoof to make the point that interactive data visualization needs more sonification. Brief review of research. Could we mature this technology to have data vis tools without...
by Richard Hackathorn | Nov 5, 2015 | Blog, Status
Brief announcement was given about forming a local IA working group at Analyze Boulder meetup on November 4. The intent is to find Boulder-ites with the interest and skills to build data worlds with THREE.js and Unity3D. See what happens… One new blog this week:...
by Richard Hackathorn | Oct 30, 2015 | Blog, Status
It has been two weeks since First Light on Wednesday, Oct 14 at 7:00am MT. The Google crawler appeared 63 minutes later and completed a full site scan in 18 minutes, all quietly. We have thus planted a stake in cyber-ground, but CNN has not yet scheduled an interview...